Volunteer Spotlight on Esther Benson

Esther Benson serving at a Wolf Trap dinner event.

Once upon a vacation, a personable woman overheard a fellow traveler chatting about a performance venue in Virginia and engaged in conversation. Afterwards, she decided to “give it a try.” She attended a show, and shortly thereafter became a volunteer. She kept visiting and giving her time…for over four decades. That venue was Wolf Trap, and that loyal patron is Esther Benson. 

If we could go back in time to thank that tourist for spreading the word about Wolf Trap to Esther Benson, we certainly would. Through her gifts of time and talent, Benson has contributed so much to our community for roughly half of her lifetime.

Wolf Trap isn’t the only beneficiary of Benson’s service. The wider Metro DC region has felt the impact of her outreach. Over the years, she has served as a travelers’ aide at Dulles Airport, organized volunteers for the decorator show home event benefiting the Kennedy Center, and been an active leader in other community organizations, including her Garden Club.

Benson is originally from California. She shares, “I was born in Albany, but I lived all over California. My husband’s work brought us to Virginia in 1976, and here I am.” 

What about that remarkable first encounter with Wolf Trap?

“The first show I saw at Wolf Trap years ago was a ballet. I remember we saw a traveling production, first in Tennessee and then here in Virginia.” Though the principal dancers were different for the two shows, what really impressed Benson was the contrast in Wolf Trap’s unique setting and “feel.” 

“From the start, I enjoyed meeting the people at Wolf Trap and seeing the performances. While helping at the Gift Shop and at events, I met such great people; many are still my good friends.”

Esther Benson with fellow volunteer Bryan Swann

She was inspired to join the Gift Shop and hospitality teams beginning in 1979. Since then, she has volunteered in various roles at the Foundation. In 1999, she was named Volunteer of the Year.

When asked to share her favorite Wolf Trap performances, she noted, “Oh! There are so many! How much time do you have? Ballets, I guess, are still my favorites.” Benson shared that while not a ballerina herself, she tap-danced as a kid, and she performed “a little musical theater” in high school.

Giselle performed by the American Ballet Theatre at Wolf Trap.

Her fellow volunteers describe her as, “resilient and pleasant,” “one of the sweetest volunteers out there,” “dedicated,” “a pleasure to work with,” and they are “proud to know her.” In fact, her legendary contributions to the community earned her the Wolf Trap Volunteer Lifetime Achievement Award in 2014, and she is still going strong!

In presenting that award, President and CEO Arvind Manocha noted, “[Benson’s] promptness, hard work, and pleasant personality set a wonderful example for our new volunteers. Her forever-present smile and a never-ending drive are attributes that go a long way in making each event a success. She has seen Wolf Trap evolve over the years into what we know it to be today, and her dedication has contributed to the success of many Wolf Trap programs.”

Esther Benson with fellow volunteers in 2014.

In the ten years since that award, Wolf Trap has continued to evolve, and Benson has remained a steadfast supporter, pleased with the progress made. Benson acknowledges that there has been “a lot of good change at Wolf Trap over the years, especially increasing the accessibility of the park.” 

Benson has witnessed many transitions and improvements, but her favorite part about volunteering at Wolf Trap is unchanging. She cherishes years of memories of “time with friends and helping others at the dinners, in the office, and the Gift Shop.” Her favorite spots at the Park remain “the orchestra section of the Filene Center and the Boxes with [fellow volunteers Jon and Pat] Simons.”

The Simons agree, "It is always a joy to volunteer with Esther. She is an inspiration to volunteers of all ages and a treasured friend."

Esther Benson with her friends Jon and Pat Simons.

Wolf Trap treasures you, Esther. Thank you!

Wolf Trap is grateful to all of the volunteers that support our programs and operations. To learn more about volunteering for Wolf Trap Foundation, please visit wolftrap.org/volunteer, or email volunteer@wolftrap.org