Dear Friends,
Imagine a world where music, community, and education come together to inspire every heart and mind. By supporting Wolf Trap Foundation this past year, you made this dream a reality for 400,000 people of all ages.
On behalf of the entire Wolf Trap Foundation family, I thank you for your incredible support. Your generosity brought the performing arts to life in extraordinary ways! Because of your gift, families experienced magical performances, children discovered the wonder of the arts, and our community drew inspiration from powerful collective musical experiences.
Your generosity has made Wolf Trap a place for all. Beyond our stages, we've upgraded amenities and improved accessibility of our venues, and our education programs have expanded to more than 100,000 children, teachers, and caregivers in the DC region and around the country.
Thank you for being the heartbeat of Wolf Trap Foundation. Your belief in our mission and your generous spirit make everything we do possible. Here’s to another year of unforgettable moments and extraordinary achievements!
Warm Regards,

Sara P. Jaffe
Vice President, Development